Sexting and its Dangers- Discussion with Kim Komando
In this episode of Kim Komando’s podcast, Dr. Strohman discusses the threats and dangers of sexting, while sharing how can you keep your kids from being

Impact of Social Media on Learning
Does social media impact learning? Let’s look at the positive and negative impact of social media on learning. Positive impact for learning ~ digital communication skills that need

YouTube Safety: Get Involved
Are you involved with kids safety online, especially when it comes to YouTube? If so, what tips could you offer other parents about keeping kids safe on

Facebook:10 Reasons To Spend Less Time
Personal free time spent checking Facebook and other social media sites takes time that could be spent with someone in your real life. How do you define

Preparing For Peer Pressure – MASK Magazine
Dr. Lisa Strohman is MASK Magazine’s college life skills expert. In this article, she discusses how parents should talk about college life expectations and provide

Discuss Technology Threats & Dangers- ABC7 Eyewitness News
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses her new venture, Digital Citizen Academy with ABC7 Eyewitness News and how the educational and diversion programs can help students, educators

What Parents And Teachers Can Do To Prevent Cyberbullying
We have all heard stories and read statistics about cyberbullying at home and on school campuses. Parents and teachers need to work together to combat this

What Is Cyberbullying?
The dictionary defines cyberbullying as the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. It is very

Teen Suicide Rates & Technologies Impact – The Doctors
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center joins The Doctors to discuss the increase in teen suicide rates and how technology use

Cyberbullying, Sextortion, Smartphone Apps & Social Media – Crime Watch Daily(Part 2)
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Chris Hansen of Crime Watch Daily to discuss the signs parents need to watch for and learn the secrets in your

Cyberbullying, Sextortion, Smartphone Apps & Social Media at Crime Watch Daily (Part 1)
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Chris Hansen of Crime Watch Daily to discuss the signs parents need to watch for and learn the secrets in

The Augmented Reality of Beauty Apps- Interview with SWAAY
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center explains why augmented beauty apps are causing adult women to experience higher levels of anxiety in an

Discussing Voting Behavior – PBS On Election Day
Dr. Lisa Strohman talks to Ted Simon, host of Arizona Horizon (PBS) about the psychological factors associated with voting behavior. She explores the topic of

Social Media Accounts & Kids
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the developmental stages of children and why parents should consider the impact of allowing their kids access to social media. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/TWC_MindchampsSingapore_11_1_2016.pdf

Bullying & The Signs – Good Morning Arizona
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Good Morning Arizona to discuss National Bullying Prevention Month and how to tell if your child is being bullied or is

The 2016 Lifestyle Intervention Conference- FOX 5
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins FOX5 Las Vegas, MORE to discuss the upcoming Lifestyle Intervention Conference and why it’s valuable for industry professionals, parents and educators

Tips For Curbing Social Media Usage- Inc. Magazine
Dr. Lisa Strohman, clinical psychologist and founder and director of Technology Wellness Center provides her top tips for hacking your social media habits. She explains

Tech Tips During Summer Break- Morning Scramble
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center joins Catherine Anaya on Morning Scramble to talk tech and how to get your kids

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts – Good Morning Arizona
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Digital Citizen Academy talks to Good Morning Arizona’s Javier Soto about how to keep tabs on your kids’

Kids & Tech with Good Morning Arizona
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Digital Citizen Academy joins KTVK’s Good Morning Arizona to talk with Gina Maravilla about tips for keeping kids
Social Anxiety Disorder with Forbes
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center talks to Forbes about Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). She explains how it’s different from awkwardness,

The Psychology of Internet Trolls with Highsnobiety
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center discusses the psychology of internet trolls and why certain individuals exert such types of behaviors.

Socio and Psychopaths
Dr. Lisa Strohman, director Technology Wellness Center discusses the differences between sociopaths and your run-of-the-mill bad egg when it comes to dating. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Lisa_MicSocioPsychoArticle.pdf

How Dr. Lisa is Making A Difference with Kids- So Scottsdale Magazine
Dr. Lisa Strohman, director of Technology Wellness Center was featured in, “Moms Making A Difference,” special in the May 2016 issue of SoScottsdale Magazine. The piece

Help Make The World a Better Place with Uptown Magazine
Dr. Lisa Strohman, director of Technology Wellness Center was featured in, “Moms Making A Difference,” special in the May 2016 issue of Uptown Magazine. The piece

Impact of Technology Overuse- This Life podcast
Dr. Lisa Strohman, author and founder of Technology Wellness Center joins “This Life:” with Dr. Drew and Bob Forrest to talk about how the overuse

Social Media Rules – Real Simple
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center discusses the importance of venting offline in order to maintain control of your privacy, while

Connecting with the Grandkids: Dr. Lisa Voices Her Concerns
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses her worries for our oldest and youngest generation, and how technology can make them drift further apart with Lovin’ Life After

Online Dating with Kim Komando
The world of online dating can be difficult to navigate, and it can also be a dangerous place. Check out Kim Komando‘s latest podcast: A

The Dark Side of Social Media with The List
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Digital Citizen Academy breaks down the negative impact of social media on our lives.

How Screentime Impacts Our Friendships
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center shares valuable insight into the behavior of today’s kids and their lack of interaction with one another

Technology Wellness Center founder talks “smart” gift giving
Dr. Lisa Strohman talks smart gift giving with Ted Simons of Arizona Horizon and discusses how to choose the best age-appropriate toys and gifts.

Technology Wellness Center Founder Gives Gift Buying Tips
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center shares important information and valuable advice on how to make that parenting purchasing decision when it comes

Teaching Tough Life Lessons in MASK Magazine
Dr. Lisa Strohman, discusses the pressures college students face and how they often compromise their integrity when met with a whole new set of challenges.

How Social Media Can Make Us Feel Even Lonelier
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses how digital friends are no replacement for real world connections and how people are finding it more difficult to connect emotionally

Ways to Destress Your Life – 12 News Special
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center discusses how we can reconnect through disconnecting from our technology devices and the how this process can

The Impact of Technology on the Brains of Tweens & Teens
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Regina Lamourelle from Bam Network’s radio show, Inside the Mind of Tweens and Teens to discuss the dangers technology overuse

Technology Wellness Center Founders Release Their First Book
Dr. Lisa Strohman, and Technology Wellness Center Co-Founder, Dr. Melissa Westendorf have released their first book titled, Unplug: Raising Kids in a Technology Addicted World.

How To Detach From Technology With The List
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Digital Citizen Academy provides a list of ways to go more “techless” at work.

How Human Connection Is Getting Lost Through Tech Devices
Founder of Technology Wellness Center, Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the importance of human connection and how we are losing that capability by being constantly plugged

Online Teen Behaviors with Marketwatch
Dr. Lisa Strohman talks to Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch.com about how teens’ online behaviors can disturbingly change when they are dating and how to read

Discuss the Mass Shooting at Oregon Community College with Dr. Drew on Midday Live
Dr. Lisa Strohman, director of Technology Wellness Center analyzes and discusses the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, Oregon with Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood

Review of Dr. Lisa’s New Book: Unplug on Morning Scramble to discuss her new book
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center discusses her book, Unplug: Raising Kids in a Technology Addicted World with Morning Scramble host,

Cellphone Monitoring Software – KABC Midday Live Crew
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood on Midday Live to discuss the latest in cellphone monitoring.

GOP Debate with Midday Live Crew
Dr. Lisa Strohman join Dr. Drew and Lisa Guerrero on Midday Live to discuss the GOP Debate and how social media plays a role in

Sociopath Behavior on Midday Live
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins KABC’s Midday Live for her weekly segment with Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood and discusses a recent news story whereby she

The Fallout of Ashley Madison with Dr. Drew on Midday Live
rDr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood on Midday Live for the first of her weekly segments to discuss the fallout of Ashley

Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks To Chicago Tribune About The importance of human connection
In an interview with Chicago Tribune, Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the importance of real human connection and how social media is effecting our ability to

Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks About The Importance Of Work-Life Balance
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the reasons why Americans are fighting to find a work-life balance and talks about the importance of setting time limits to

Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Drew on Midday Live to discuss Membership Program
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center joins Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood to discuss the Center’s membership program and her new book, which

Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses how to protect kids from online dangers
Dr. Lisa Strohman, guest blogger for the Managed Moms blog, outlines the crucial steps we can take as parents to protect our children from the online