5 self care activities you can do right now to improve your life
October is National Bully Prevention Month and Emotional Wellness Month, so we’re going to be talking a lot about bullying, as well as mental health in

Are your kids being hurt by social media? They sure are.
Teens spend an astounding amount of time online these days — upwards of nine hours each day. In 2018, a Pew study determined that 54

How to protect yourself from online triggers
It’s nearly impossible to control what pops up in any social media feed. People have good days, they have bad days, they have experiences …

Should You Spy on Your Teens? Interview with Parent’s Magazine
Dr. Lisa contributes to an article for Parent’s Magazine on the topic of spying on your kids and their technology use. Dr. Lisa focuses on empowering

Should your child have a cell phone?
Cell phones and kids shouldn’t go together, but in today’s age, they do. Nearly the same rite of passage as getting a driver’s license, cell

Your online behavior is being tracked and it’s time to care.
Remember everything that went down with Cambridge Analytica last year? Here’s a quick refresh: Cambridge Analytica was a political consulting firm that tapped into data

Are violent video game really to blame for mass shootings?
Don’t let anyone convince you that the reason for these recent acts of domestic terrorism stems from violent video games. It’s simply not true. Since

The Link Between Violent Video Games & Aggressive Behavior in Children- FOX News
Dr. Lisa joins the Fox News Rundown Podcast to discuss the link between violent video games and aggressive behavior in children. Click here to listen

Parents, these five apps are as popular as they are dangerous
If you think messaging apps that your kids download to their devices are safe, I have bad news: they’re not. In fact, the most popular

The Dark Web is the one place your child should never go online. But, are they?
There’s an underbelly in this world. A dark, sick, illegal world where people can put a price tag on anything — drugs, sex, even lives.

5 ways to stop your teen from texting and driving
Is your teen driving? If so, you’re going to need to know these startling facts: – Distraction is a key factor in an astounding 58

Parents, this is one app you need to protect your children from
If you haven’t been paying attention to what’s going on in the world of apps for kids, I beg of you, please start now. The

How Jeffrey Epstein Manipulated Those Around Him to Protect his Behaviors – FOX NEWS
Dr. Lisa comments on the recent happenings with the death of Jeffrey Epstein and how he manipulated those around him to protect his behaviors. Read

Does your school allow technology in the classroom? Here’s what you need to know.
When we went to school, there was no such thing as social media. In fact, it’s safe to say that when we were in school,

Dr. Lisa Weighs in on the Recent Tragic Mass Shootings – FOX RADIO
Dr. Lisa joins Fox Radio’s Kilmeade and Friends to weigh in on the recent tragic mass shootings in the United States and what factors may

What Role Social Media/Technology is Playing in Mass Shootings- i24 News
Dr. Lisa Strohman appears on the international news network, i24 to discuss the recent mass shootings in the United States and what role social media/technology

Discussion on Summer Tech Use- Good Day LA
Dr. Lisa joins Good Day LA news to talk about the increase in technology use for kids in the summertime and how to combat it.

Ask Lisa-August
Dear Dr. Lisa, With a new school year just around the corner, I am trying to get the kids back into their routine, but I

How to spot a catfish online
Anyone can be catfished. Anyone. Teens, however, are more susceptible than others to be catfished because they are more vulnerable and less likely to be

13 Reasons Why is renewed by Netflix and it’s dangerous
The other week kids around the country were dealt a dangerous blow when Netflix renewed the controversial “13 Reasons Why” for its third season. At

3 parental monitoring apps every parent should download
School is about to start, and with that comes pressure from kids to be online. You already know about some of the risks children face

Creating A Healthy Balance with Video Games- NBC News
Dr. Lisa discusses if there is a possible way to have a healthy balance with video games for NBC News. Read the full article below!

Forget seeing what you look like older, this is what really happens when you download the Face App
The hottest app being downloaded to smart phones around the nation is FaceApp. Developed by Wireless Lab, a Russian company, the app transforms photos of

What age should my child be allowed to go on social media?
Is there any age when it is safe for kids to get on social media? If it was up to me, no child would ever

How to spot a predator online
With an estimated 950,000 predators that can be online at any given time, shouldn’t you be learning more about how to protect your children? Historically,

CosPlay Therapy- Yahoo Lifestyle!
Dr. Lisa contributes to Yahoo Lifestyle on the topic of CosPlay Therapy as it was featured on the hit HBO Show, Big Little Lies. Read the

5 things that happen when your child plays violent video games
Violent video games like Popular Wars and Fortnite are still getting talked about a lot these days. Kids seem to be drawn to these violent

Signs your child needs a social media time out
It’s the summer and now’s the time that kids are going to be glued to their phones. Children that spend in excess of a few

Ask Lisa: How much time is too much time when it comes to technology use?
Dear Dr. Lisa, This might be a simple question, but how can you tell how much is too much when it comes to technology use?

The Reality & Popularity of CosPlay Therapists- Parenting Site: SheKnows
In this article, Dr. Lisa comments on the reality and popularity of CosPlay therapists and their benefit to some groups in therapy. Read the full

The Increase in Child Technology Use During the Summer- WOOD Radio
Dr. Lisa is featured on the Grand Rapids, Michigan news station, WOOD Radio, to talk about the increase in child technology use during the summer

5 tips to keep pre-teen and teenage girls safe online
The world of social media and young girls is a scary one. From predators, to sexting, to cyberbullies and the pressure to be “liked”, girls

7 things parents need to know if their kids are online
Kids going online is a reality, whether they have permission or not. Rather than keep your head in the sand as a parent, it’s important

Technology Use During Summer- The Laura Ingraham Podcast
Dr. Lisa joined The Laura Ingraham Podcast to discuss the issue of children having increased exposure to technology and screen time during the summer months.

7 signs social media is negatively impacting your child
Social media is so new, no studies have been done to know what long-term effects it can have on our health and wellness. But, we

The Truth About What Wearables Can Do To You
We all have alerts. The ding. The ring. The buzz. But, have you ever thought about what those alerts on our watches and other wearables

What to do when your kid posts inappropriate content online
Kids posting inappropriate content online is bound to happen. From scantily clad photos to polarizing points of view to racist memes, chances are your child

5 things to think about when it comes to kids playing violent video games
“Grow your following of fans, assimilate rival crowds and become the coolest kid in school!” That’s the quick teaser for Popular Wars, an online game

Is spending too much time online making your kids unhealthy?
Did you know the more time you spend online, the more your health is negatively impacted? It’s true. In fact, there are a lot of

Ask Lisa: How can I avoid having kids on their phones for hours this summer?
Dear Dr. Lisa, With summertime approaching, how can I avoid having my grandkids jump on their phones and game for hours every day? I look

Summer and screen time: our top picks for apps that the whole family will love
Summer is here, which means that kids are going to be upping their screen time. In fact, the amount of time kids spend online in

How to keep kids safe online this summer
School is out, which means kids are home. And, what happens when kids are home? They spend more time online. In fact, screen time increases

Is your child sending nude pics online?
If your child has social media, there’s a good chance they have — or will — send nude photos online. Kids send nude photos online

What Google Play and iOS App Store are doing is dangerous for kids
Your children’s online safety continues to get compromised. Aside from the growing popularity of secret Instagram accounts (aka Finstas), dangerous gaming habits and kids being

Is “13 Reasons Why” to Blame for Increase in Teen Suicides?
Once again, Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why” is back in the news. The program, which now has two seasons under its belt, documents the suicide of

Is your child addicted to online games?
It’s not a bad thing if your kids play video games; they provide an activity that gets their minds thinking and is safe entertainment, improves

Is Social Media Making NBA Players Miserable? – The Guardian
‘They’re amazingly isolated’: is social media making NBA players miserable? NBA commissioner says many of the stars he meets are unhappy. The criticism they face

5 things that happen to your kids when they use social media
When we were growing up, we had it lucky when it came to social media (or lack thereof). Today, social media has catapulted into conversations

Ask Lisa: How can I cure my child’s digital addiction?
Dear Dr. Lisa, How can you cure digital addiction or addiction to Fortnite in kids? Thanks, Nervous Mom Dear Nervous Mom, Thank you so much

How to navigate fake news with your kids
You’ve probably seen it on Facebook. Someone posts a “news” story that is shocking, maybe scary, but definitely something that you’re going to click on

Finsta: Does your child have a secret Instagram account?
There’s a new trend in Instagram, and your children may not be letting you in on it: Finsta, which stands for Fake Instagram. Finsta is