Dr. Lisa Strohman, renowned clinical psychologist and expert on the digital world’s effect on our mental wellness, to join with Gaggle in an educational webinar: “Student Wellness Series” beginning Oct 13
Dr. Strohman will discuss Eating Disorders, Anxiety, and Cutting
Scottsdale. AZ (October 12, 2020) – Dr. Lisa Strohman, a clinical psychologist, attorney, and President of Digital Citizen Academy, will participate in Gaggle’s educational webinar, “Student Wellness Series”, beginning Oct 13. Dr. Strohman, an expert on the digital world’s effect on mental wellness, has been invited to discuss the topics of Eating Disorders, Anxiety, and Cutting. The free web series is open to all. To register visit
“With an alarming rate of disordered eating clients requesting clinical time and insight from Gaggle’s school monitoring reports of the number of children who are silently suffering, it was time to step forward and offer some education on what disordered eating is, what signs to look for, and how to help,” said Dr. Strohman, a Scottsdale, AZ native.
Dr. Strohman has become widely known for her advocacy and education around mental wellness as it relates to our digital lives. She has worked with thousands of parents, schools, and children around the globe. She established the Digital Citizen Academy (DCA) as a prevention and diversion training program focused on eliminating core issues like cyber-bullying, child luring and suicide. DCA is offered to schools with an in-home plan that educates, empowers, and inspires balance and prosocial use of technology.
The following are the four dates of the “Student Wellness Series”:
Eating Disorders
October 13 at 4:00 PM ET
These complex conditions, which can seriously impact students’ mental and physical health, often require both medical and psychological intervention. Dr. Lisa Strohman, an expert on student mental health, will explain how eating disorders affect adolescents.
November 2 at 1:00 PM ET
Anxiety and depression are on the rise, with 70% of teens seeing these issues as a major problem. Dr. Lisa Strohman will join attendees again for this session along with Christine Ravesi-Weinstein, an educational leader, mental health advocate, and author of “Anxious: Advocating for Students with Anxiety, Because What if it Turns Out Right?”
November 17 at 1:00 PM ET
Students suffering from depression and anxiety may turn to cutting, a form of self-harm, as a way to release their pain and emotions. Dr. Lisa Strohman returns for the final installment of the Student Wellness Series.
Donald Tremblay, East Coast Publicist