How To Detach From Technology With The List
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Digital Citizen Academy provides a list of ways to go more “techless” at work.

How Human Connection Is Getting Lost Through Tech Devices
Founder of Technology Wellness Center, Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the importance of human connection and how we are losing that capability by being constantly plugged

Online Teen Behaviors with Marketwatch
Dr. Lisa Strohman talks to Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch.com about how teens’ online behaviors can disturbingly change when they are dating and how to read

Discuss the Mass Shooting at Oregon Community College with Dr. Drew on Midday Live
Dr. Lisa Strohman, director of Technology Wellness Center analyzes and discusses the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, Oregon with Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood

Review of Dr. Lisa’s New Book: Unplug on Morning Scramble to discuss her new book
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and director of Technology Wellness Center discusses her book, Unplug: Raising Kids in a Technology Addicted World with Morning Scramble host,

Cellphone Monitoring Software – KABC Midday Live Crew
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood on Midday Live to discuss the latest in cellphone monitoring.

GOP Debate with Midday Live Crew
Dr. Lisa Strohman join Dr. Drew and Lisa Guerrero on Midday Live to discuss the GOP Debate and how social media plays a role in

Sociopath Behavior on Midday Live
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins KABC’s Midday Live for her weekly segment with Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood and discusses a recent news story whereby she

The Fallout of Ashley Madison with Dr. Drew on Midday Live
rDr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood on Midday Live for the first of her weekly segments to discuss the fallout of Ashley

Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks To Chicago Tribune About The importance of human connection
In an interview with Chicago Tribune, Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the importance of real human connection and how social media is effecting our ability to

Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks About The Importance Of Work-Life Balance
Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the reasons why Americans are fighting to find a work-life balance and talks about the importance of setting time limits to

Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Drew on Midday Live to discuss Membership Program
Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of Technology Wellness Center joins Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood to discuss the Center’s membership program and her new book, which

Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses how to protect kids from online dangers
Dr. Lisa Strohman, guest blogger for the Managed Moms blog, outlines the crucial steps we can take as parents to protect our children from the online

Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks About Understanding The Dangers of Technology
Dr. Lisa Strohman, guest blogger for the Managed Moms blog, discusses threats to our children’s wellbeing posed from technology. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/TWC_ManagedMons_08_14_2015.pdf

Dr. Lisa Strohman Talks To The Social Network Station About The Psychology of Technology Addiction
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. J as special guest to discuss the psychology of technology addiction while assessing the social risks of technology overuse and discussing how

Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses Technology Wellness Center’s resources to prevent tech overload
Dr. Lisa Strohman speaks to Barb Evans, North Phoenix Family Magazine on how Technology Wellness Center can help families and businesses with technology burnout and

Dr. Lisa Strohman Explains Why Physicians Should Unplug
Dr. Lisa Strohman speaks to Physicians Practice and explains why it is vital that physicians unplug from technology. Strohman emphasizes the risk of burnout and

Dr. Lisa Strohman Guest Blogs For TeenSafe On How To Monitor Your Teen
In her guest post for TeenSafe’s blog, Teenology Dr. Lisa Strohman presents a how-to-guide to monitor and minimize teens’ social media and smartphone usage. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/TWC_TeenSafe_6_4.pdf

Dr. Lisa Strohman Weighs In On Antidepressants
Dr. Lisa speaks to Grandparents.com about antidepressants, explains how they can help in the short-term, but concludes the use of such drugs should be tapered

Dr. Lisa Strohman Gives Antidepressant Lowdown in Huffington Post
Dr. Lisa discusses why SSRIs can be a viable short-term strategy for kicking someone of out depression, but explains why drugs should be tapered off

Dr. Lisa Strohman Provides Tech-Balancing Tips
Dr. Lisa Strohman, Scottsdale Health contributor provides tips and tools to help reconnect with loves ones without the use of technology devices. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/TWC_ScottsdaleHealth_JuneIssue.pdf

Dr. Lisa joins Dr. Drew on Midday Live to discuss porn and video game addiction
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Drew and Mike Catherwood as special guest to discuss porn and video game addiction while reflecting on Zimbardo’s work and

Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses Video Game Addiction With Care.com
Dr. Lisa Strohman speaks to Care.Com about recognizing the signs of video game addiction manifesting in children’s behavior. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DLS_Care.Com_5_7.pdf

Dr. Lisa Strohman Discusses The Health Risks of Technology Use with Healthline
Dr. Lisa Strohman weighs in on the implications technology use plays on our physical health and discusses why millennials need to be more aware. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DLS_Healthline_5_4.pdf

3TV features Dr. Lisa Strohman’s seminar educating school kids on social media safety
Dr. Lisa Strohman educates Cave Creek school children on the dangers of social media and gives tips for keeping safe online.

Dr. Lisa Strohman Educates Cave Creek School Children About Social Media Safety
Dr. Lisa Strohman takes her message to Black Mountain Elementary fifth and sixth grade students and educates them on the dangers of the internet and

Dr. Lisa Strohman Helps CCUSD Take On Cyberbulling
Dr. Lisa Strohman partners with CCUSD and presents proactive seminars to 200 plus fifth and sixth grade students on social media safety. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DLS_SunCityTimes_4_29.pdf

Dr. Lisa Speaks On The Interpersonal and Emotional Dangers of Social Media
Dr. Lisa lends her psychological expertise to Area H, explaining how social media has different purposes for men and women and how it can pose

How Professionals Can Step Away From Tech- with Levo League
Dr. Lisa Strohman shares with Levo League five ways busy professionals can be less addicted to their phones. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/TWC_LevoLeague_4_21.pdf

Dr. Lisa Recognized For Receiving The “Moms Making a Difference” Unity Award
Dr. Lisa is named by the Scottsdale Independent as one of the recipients of the MASK Magazine “Moms Making a Difference” Unity Award. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/DLS_ScottsdaleIndependent_April-10-2015.pdf

The Psychological aspects of Famous Recent Cases with Dr. Drew
Dr. Lisa Strohman joins Dr. Drew for a podcast touching on a wide range of topics including Dr. Strohman’s education and obtaining of a JD/PhD,

Dr. Lisa Provides College Life Skills Advice To MASK Magazine Readers
Clinical psychologist, Dr. Lisa Strohman, discusses the pressures college students face and the growing issues of prescription drug use; while offering parents advice on how

Dr. Lisa Strohman Gives Tips For Managing Screen Time
Dr. Lisa Strohman, guest blogger for the Managed Moms blog, provides tools parents need to help their kids disconnect in order to connect in real

Careers in Psychology Publish Dr. Lisa Strohman’s Expert Profile
Dr. Lisa discusses her decision to pursue a dual JD/PhD program and provides insight on her career choices, while explaining what led to her launch

Fast Company Discusses ‘The Case for More Screen Time’ with Dr. Lisa Strohman
Dr. Lisa provides her commentary and expert opinion to the screen time debate, highlighting the limited research in this area. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DLS_FastCompany_January2015.pdf

Talk of Arizona Features Advice from Dr. Lisa in Article on Teen Anxiety
Dr. Lisa Strohman explains her approach to technology overuse, how she treats teen patients suffering from anxiety and the link to technology. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DLS_TalkofAZ_Winter2015.pdf

Dr. Lisa Gives Tips to Businesses on Social Media
Clinical psychologist, Dr. Lisa Strohman, is featured in the Phoenix Business Journal giving tips on how businesses can manage potential social media issues. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TWC_PhxBizJournal_11_28_2014.pdf

Phoenix Business Journal features Dr. Lisa Strohman
Clinical psychologist, Dr. Lisa Strohman talk with Phoenix Business journal and advises readers on how to balance life with technology. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TWC_PhxBizJournal_11_19_2014.pdf

Dr. Lisa Strohman discusses the root of the tech problem with FOX 10
Dr. Lisa Strohman talks to FOX 10 about the root of technology addiction and shares how we can find balance in our lives.

Setting Boundaries on Your Child’s Technology with Living Well
Setting boundaries on your child’s technology use can be difficult. Dr. Lisa Strohman presents a free seminar on setting technology boundaries in the home. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/DLS_LivingWellAZ_11_2014.pdf

Arizona Parenting Magazine features Dr. Lisa’s Seminar: Press Pause to Connect
Press Pause to Connect is the second installment from Dr. Lisa Strohman’s free seminar series. Digital Citizen Academy is committed to giving guidance and helping

Dr. Lisa Speaks to Mothers on How to Set Boundaries on Technology
Mother and clinical psychologist, Dr. Lisa Strohman, contributes as a guest blogger to Managed Moms to help parents determine the best ways to set boundaries

Scottsdale Business + Life features Dr. Lisa Strohman for Expert Q&A
Technology Wellness Center founder, Dr. Lisa Strohman, gives insights on technology addiction, cyber bullying and the changes in society due to increased technology exposure. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/DLS_ScottsdaleBusinessLifeArticle_10_24_2014.pdf

Everyday Health Speaks to Dr. Lisa Strohman About Technology Addiction To Learn The Steps for Breaking The Cycle
Founder and director of Digital Citizen Academy, Dr. Lisa Strohman weighs in on technology addiction and breaks down the forms in which it manifests. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/DLS_EverydayHealthArticle_10_09_2014.pdf

MASK Magazine Features Dr. Lisa’s Advice on Parenting Pressure and the Peer Pressure Facing Kids
Dr. Lisa Strohman provides advice to parents on how to disengage from parenting peer pressure and how to understand the social pressure facing children today.

Parents on Cyberbullying
Founder of Digital Citizen Academy, Dr. Lisa Strohman, gives parents what they need to know on cyberbullying as a guest blogger for Managed Moms. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/DLS_ManagedMomsCyberbullyBlog_09_22_2014.docx.pdf

Technology Wellness Center & Dr. Lisa
CBS 5 profiles Technology Wellness Center founder, Dr. Lisa Strohman. https://drlisastrohman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TWC_CBS5_09_15_2014.pdf