Dr. Lisa is available for advising, consulting and as a spokesperson for your organization. You can set up a chat with her to discuss her involvement and her advisory portfolio.
Dr. Lisa Strohman recognizes the need for prevention education and diversion programs. She is building partnerships and aligning with companies and organizations to support her mission on educating students, educators and parents to address safety issues related to technology.
She has been a lead program coordinator with Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT), as a family reunification therapist and a hospice counselor. She has also performed research in substance abuse, risk communication and child abduction. Her avid interest in public policy earned her the honor of becoming a legislative intern for Congress. She was also selected as an honors intern with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and invited to become a visiting scholar with the FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime division as she completed her dissertation.
After earning her Juris Doctorate, Strohman worked at a large law firm, while completing her residency at the Arizona State Hospital in both a clinical and forensic rotation in clinical psychology.
In addition to establishing the Technology Wellness Center, Dr. Strohman in partnership with Dr. Westendorf developed an assessment test to help parents identify if their child is at risk from technology overuse.
She has served on many boards and in advisory roles throughout her career. She continues to seek these opportunities to further her progress in this field, create wide-scale awareness about this movement to prompt action and to keep our kids safe.