Dr. Lisa Strohman, Digital Citizen Academy President and Founder: “U.S. Senate online child exploitation bill a welcome start, but much more needs to be done”
Scottsdale. AZ (December 11, 2020) – U.S. Senators Kelly Loeffler and Tom Cotton have announced a bill (The Holding Sexual Predators and Online Enablers Accountable Act) that would amend section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 and “provide for criminal and civil liability for an interactive computer service that willfully or recklessly promotes or facilitates child exploitation”. Clinical psychologist, attorney, and Digital Citizen Academy Founder/President Dr. Lisa Strohman applauds the bill but is concerned it does not go far enough.
“For far too long Interactive Computer Service companies like Facebook, YouTube and TikTok have been able to hide behind the obscurity of the law to avoid responsibility for the material posted on their platforms”, said Dr. Lisa Strohman (J.D. PhD). “It is time we start holding people and companies accountable. However, if we are truly going to protect our children online, we need to also hold Internet Content Providers, such as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video accountable as well.
“Our children are being victimized at such an alarming rate. This not only leads to long term stigmatization but can also contribute to depression, anxiety, self-harm, and an unacceptable rate of youth suicides.”
Dr. Lisa Strohman is a clinical psychologist and attorney who completed a joint program of Law and Psychology at Villanova and Drexel Universities (JD, PhD). Dr. Strohman is widely known for her advocacy and education around mental wellness as it relates to our digital lives. She has worked with thousands of parents, schools, and children around the globe. Dr. Strohman established the Digital Citizen Academy as a program offered to schools with an in-home plan that educates, empowers, and inspires balance and prosocial use of technology.